Helpful Tips and Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

Here at Honey Dippers we know that sewage treatment and disposal isn’t something that most people think about until there’s a problem. And, we’d like to help you avoid some of those problems so that it can stay that way! Here are some helpful tips and answers to frequently asked questions to make life a little easier.

A septic tank wastewater system can contaminate ground water, surface water and your yard with nutrients, bacteria and viruses if not maintained properly and pumped often enough. Follow these tips to help ensure that your system continues to function properly, safely and without septic odors.

1. Have a local septic tank cleaning service inspect your septic system annually.
2. Pump out your septic tank regularly. Every three to five years is commonly recommended for a three-bedroom house with a 1,000-gallon tank. Smaller tanks should be pumped more often. This helps eliminate solids build-up.
3. Do not divert roof drains or sump pumps into septic systems. Drain as little water into them as possible.
4. Reduce the use of your garbage disposal or have the tank pumped more frequently.
5. Don’t use your toilet as a garbage can! If you do, you may damage the system and will need to have the tank pumped more often.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I determine when to pump?

Many homeowners prefer to give this responsibility to a reputable septic tank pumping firm. They will periodically check your system to determine the rate of solids accumulation & proceed w/ a pumping schedule designed for your specific situation. Some homeowners may wish to measure sludge depth & scum thickness themselves, using a homemade probe. Guidelines for performing this messy operation may be obtained from your local sanitarian in the parish health office. The tank requires pumping if: a) the top of the sludge deposit is w/in 12 inches of the outlet baffle; b) the bottom of the floating scum mat is w/in three inches of the bottom of the outlet baffle; c) top of the floating scum mat is w/in one inch of the top of the outlet baffle or; d) the floating scum mat is more than 10-12 inches thick.

Should I use any special products to enhance the operation of my septic tank?

These solvents, yeast, bacteria, & enzymes have not been found to make a significant difference. Some can even cause solids to be carried into the drain field, causing early clogging & repair. Some products contain organic solvents which contribute to groundwater pollution.

Where is my tank located?

If you do not know where your septic tank is located, you can find it by gently tapping a steel rod into the ground starting about 10 feet from the point where the sanitary drain leaves the house.

What are the earning signs of a failure?

Odors, surfacing sewage, wet spots or lush vegetation in the drain-field area. Other include: plumbing or septic tank backups, slow-draining fixtures (not due to local clogging), gurgling sounds in the plumbing system. 
If you notice any of these signs or if you suspect problems with your septic tank system, contact your local septic tank cleaning service.

My system is old. Do I need a new one?

It really depends on several factors. If you are going to sell the property, or trying to get power turned on at the site, you will need to have the sanitarian determine if you need a new system. There are different kinds of issues that can be resolved with some standard maintenance, but vary from case to case. Call us and we can help you determine the best course of action for your problems.

What can I do to prevent problems?

Grease and bleach are two enemies of these systems. Grease should never be put in either of these systems. Frequent and heavy use of bleach and household cleaners will kill the bacteria needed for them to work properly. You will notice more of a problem with odor if the bacteria balance is thrown off. For the Aerobic Treatment Units (ATU), keeping a regular pump-out schedule will help they system work most efficiently. Some products are marketed for septic system health. Be sure to use them in septic systems only and NOT ATUs. Those products are the wrong kind of additives for ATU and will only increase the frequency for pump-outs in ATUs.

How do I know if I need a pump-out?

The answer is different for septic and ATU systems. ATU’s should be pumped out every 5-7 years, to keep the system running smoothly. The aerator motor should also be checked to be sure it is running correctly to keep the bacteria levels correct so the system will work correctly. Listening for gurgling sounds when washing machines and dishwashers are draining, as well as toilets gurgling will give clues the system is experiencing problems. Septic systems don’t need a regular maintenance schedule. that both septic and Aerobic Treatment Units need to be pumped out based by number of house tenants, number of bedrooms and baths, etc. They do require pump-outs, but frequency depends on size of system and usage. Signs of potential problems are the same as for an ATU.

What are recommendations to prolong the life of your septic system to minimize maintenance costs:

1. Inspect for scum & sludge depth once each year & never it to escape from the septic tank into the drain field.

2. Pump tank at proper intervals (usually every three to five years).

3. Limit water entering your tank: use water-saving fixtures (faucets, showers, toilets), prevent sump pump connection to tank, drain appliances one at a time, spread clothes-washing over the entire week & avoid half-loads, prevent roof – foundation – driveway drainage from entering tank, minimize amount of water used for bathing & dish washing, fix all faucet & toilet float valve leaks.

4. Keep soil over your system slightly mounded to help surface water run off.

5. Landscape your system properly. Dense grass cover & other shallow-rooted plants are beneficial.

6. Keep automobiles, all heavy vehicles & livestock off the system.

7. Mark the boundaries of your drain field as a reminder.

8. If your system is equipped with a diverter valve between the septic tank & soil absorption field, allow one side of your system to “rest” at one-year intervals.

9.  If your system is equipped with a dosing chamber, be sure the submersible pump is operating & properly maintained for uniform discharge of effluent into the absorption field, followed by drainage between doses.

10. Don’t use chemicals to clean or “sweeten” your system except on the advice of your local health department

What are some things I can do if I’m having problems, before I call for help?

Check to be sure the motor is running and the outlet has power to it. Usually the outlet is a GFCI and has a trip switch. Be sure it has not been thrown by plugging something else into it. Take off the small access lid to see about the water level. If the water is almost to the top of the tank, then the water level is too high and likely needs a pump-out. Walk out to where the drain pipe comes out of the ground or into the ditch. Look for evidence of water draining from the pipe.

Check the ground around the tank and field line. These should be dry. If the has ground is very wet, then the ground will have a hard time soaking up any extra water. Let the ground dry out for a few days and see if the problems improve. When problems do arise, there are some things you can do to buy yourself a little time. Avoid putting lots of water into the system at one time. Don’t run the washing machine while taking baths. Flush sparingly. Use water only for the necessary things.

While these won’t solve the problem, they may help hold off a nasty system back up until help will arrived!